*HippysThemes* Shared Themes by Hippy & Friends...(HUGS INN !!!)
Hi All, Happy holidays and so much love to you all. Today the angels talk about the light of the season living within us and how we can access it. I'll share this week's story of how tuning helps shift 3D and also some tips to help you find some holiday light inside :)
Have a blessed & beautiful week :)
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The light of the Season lives in you
Messages from the Angels My dear friends, we love you so very much, Happy, holy holidays to all of you who celebrate, and happy, holy days to all, for all days are holy, all days have the potential to be happy, and all days can be a celebration of the light that you so beautifully focus upon this time of year. Whether you celebrate the babe in a manger, the miracle of the oil, or simply the return of light after the winter solstice, you are celebrating a light that lives and breathes within you. This is your essence and your truth, and when you align with that light by choice—be it through a kind thought, word, or deed, for yourself or another—you will feel its radiance shining to you and through you. This light is nothing less than your Creator, beyond form. This light can never be diminished. It cannot be put out. It burns brightly even in the toughest of circumstances, and as you surrender to it, attune to it, it guides you to all you seek. Can you fathom, dear ones, that the light of the Christ child lives in you? The miraculous light that burns in the darkness lives in you. The light that emanates from your star lives within you. There is only One, and every moment you spend feeling something that feels even remotely like love—be it even comfort or contentment- you are, to some degree, feeling that beautiful love beyond description. If you celebrate Christmas, imagine that light being lovingly nurtured in your own heart. Mary is that within you that nurtures your light. Joseph is that within you that protects your light. The shepherds are that innocence within you that beholds your ability to live in love with wonder and awe. The kings are those within you who value the light and want to support it. Dear ones, these people were very real historical figures but were also archetypal, and those archetypes live within you. If you celebrate Hannukah, the light in the lamp that burns without end lives within you. There is no limit to your love. There is no limit to the miracles that can be created as you surrender to love. Nothing can diminish that light nor gain permanent victory "over it," for this light lives in all. Love can be ignored. It can be pushed away. You can refuse to feel it by focusing on that which is not loving. Whether or not you experience the absolute, magnificent wonder of you—your true essence—is always a choice, but regardless, that light lives and breathes and burns within you. It calls you to that which feels better. In even a moment of peaceful distraction, good ideas can arise that help you move forward out of a difficult situation. In even a moment of surrender, your answers can come. In even a moment of what many of you call 'not giving a care' about whatever you struggle with, you release the struggle and open to what you desire. This holiday season, imagine that light within you. Imagine that with every beautiful or uplifting or soothing thought you think you are tending to that light, nurturing that love, and allowing yourself to feel its never-ending, nurturing, uplifting, inspiring flow. You don't seek better thoughts and feelings to become a good person. You already are. You don't seek them to pass some test or avoid some judgment. You are not being tested, and no one in the heavens is judging you. You don't want to feel good to prove to anyone that you've achieved spiritual mastery. You want to surrender to anything that helps you feel more love, more joy, more peace, or more soothed—for your own sake because deep in your spirit, you know you deserve to feel that good! Even in your grief, you can comfort yourself or be kind and allow that light to shine. Even in your confusion, you can be clear about your caring heart. Even in the depths of your pain, you can open the window of your heart a crack by breathing and allowing us to assist you in attuning your vibration to that love. With every soothing, loving, comforting, kind thought, word, or deed that feels better, you allow yourself to feel that light, and as you feel it, it flows through you into your created world. It begins to light up your 3D path, at first with better feelings, then with better thoughts, and then with things starting to flow easily and miraculously into your life. The Christ child was not born on a tropical island on a smooth, balmy day. He was born in a dark, cold, and humble manger. The oil in the lamp did not burn in times of peace and glory. It burnt despite conflict and chaos. Your light, too, can certainly shine when it is easy, but how much more miraculous can you and your life become as you shine this light, even when feeling the dark around you? So much more joy is accessible when you surrender to what feels more loving. Dear ones, if your lives are wonderful, and you gather with family or friends, let that light shine brightly. If you are alone, bereaved, fearful, or upset, take a breath, focus on something soothing, and surrender to love. We are here to love you at all times. The Divine never ceases. Make room in the manger, light the lamp, and allow yourself to travel on the kindest and most joyful path simply by dropping into the moment you are in and asking your inner wisdom, "What feels like love right now?" You are light. You are love. You are loved. No matter what you say, think, or do, this light remains constant and unchanged. Our wish for you is that you slowly but surely learn the benefit of releasing your upsets in favor of better feelings so this light can illuminate your mind, your heart, your life, and eventually, your world. Merry Christmas Happy Hannukah Peaceful Solstice We love you without end. -- The Angels
Sometimes the world seems out of control. I want to fix it but I can't. Dear Lord, give me the faith to trust you to take care of things out of my control. Finding something to smile about at least once a day helps keeps us moving toward the breakthrough of joy. If blooming where you are planted seems to tall an order right now, just stay where you are until the winter passes and you are able to bloom again. Much Love and Blessings Precious one of Light.
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