Transform Your Life with Tony T Robinson
Positive Thinking Will Change Your Life!.
Positive thinking will change your life if you allow it to.
Positive thinking will make a difference in your life however it is only one aspect needed in order to build your confidence but it’s certainly an important part of the process. Like a car or any other machine building your confidence is a combination of many parts working together to achieve the desired outcome.
Thinking positively may only be one part but it is necessary because it is the foundation for creating the right mind set to apply all the necessary tools you will need to implement changes in your life.
I believe in the power of choice and you can choose whether you think negatively or positively. (If you are arguing with me right now or the phrase “Yeah but” springs to mind you are thinking negatively). Make a decision right now to set aside any doubts, criticisms or cynicisms and just go with the flow.
Admittedly negatively thinking is a habit but in the same way that you have learnt or adopted bad habits you can change them and create healthy positive habits that will work towards creating a Happy Healthy and Productive life.
You are what you focus on.
I have met a lot of really miserable people who spend all day complaining about pretty much everything, expecting the worst to happen believing that everything will go wrong and that they are destined to fail. I am sure you have met a few of those people yourself and they are not much fun to be around are they?
By thinking negatively and expecting everything to go wrong they are creating a Self-fulfilling prophecy. They are hardwiring their brains to expect the worst so even when something good does happen they are unable to appreciate its value or benefit from it because they have automatically bypassed any positivity as they cannot recognise it. Instead their auto pilot is searching for a way to make it bad and discredit it because that is all they know to do.
Your thoughts DO create your reality.
On the other hand I have also met a lot of very positive people who regardless of their situation always seem to be happy and are much more adept at dealing with whatever curve balls life throws at them.
A friend of mine Corrine who has now sadly passed away had cancer 3 times in 4 years but she said it was the best time of her life and that she had never felt more alive. That was because she focused on positive things. She was grateful for everyday in a way that I probably never will be. She learnt to really live in the moment and be “present”, she made the best of everything and even though she had days where she felt down she never let cancer get her down. Whenever I saw her she was always full of cheer and made everyone around her feel good about themselves.
It would have been very easy for her to focus on the negatives and spend all day complaining but if she had done that she may not have survived the first time she got cancer. (In no way am I making light of anyone who has cancer and I appreciate that it can feel like a devastating experience, all I know is, it was Corrine’s mind-set that got her and everyone around her through it) Sometimes it can take a tragedy to wake you up and make you aware of how great life really is.
Recognise your negative language
Most people don’t realise just how much negative language they use. It’s like swearing. People who swear think they only do it occasionally but if someone was to count every time they did I’m sure they would be shocked, and I’m sure the proverbial swear jar would be full.
Using negative language is exactly the same. A lot of people think they are quite positive or at least would like to think they are, so why not put yourself to the test and try this exercise to see just how much negative language you use. This can be fun if you do it with a friend or family member so that you can highlight each other’s positive and negative language.
Note down how many times a day you say –
“I CAN” or “I CANT”
“I’m fed up” or “I feel great”
“I want to” or “I don’t want to”
“That sounds great” or “Yeah but!””
I’m really good at this” or “I’m rubbish at that”
“I love this” or “I hate that”
These are just a few general sayings to watch out for and although they are quite generic you might be surprised at how often you use them.
You may be self-critical without even realising it, and here’s the thing, if you put yourself down and say negative things about yourself you are essentially giving other people permission to speak to you or about you in the same way. However you can shift that by altering the way you speak about yourself and by resetting and enforcing a few basic boundaries.
Negative self-language quickly strips away your boundaries and your confidence and it provides an open invitation for other people to treat you disrespectfully. I’m sure there are people you know or work with who seem to be a target for other people’s snide comments or sarcastic remarks while there are other people they wouldn’t dare say those things to.
Look at the difference in how those two types of people carry themselves and listen to the language they use. I can guarantee that one of them is using positive strong self-affirming language that creates confident strong boundaries while the other is not.
Replace negative language with Positive Affirmations.
We all use negative self-speak so don’t feel down or beat yourself up about it because you can change that, All you have to do is reprogram the way you relate to yourself and the quickest way to do that is to use Positive Affirmations.
I have also written a book called “101 I AM Power Affirmations” where every affirmation starts with the two most powerful words in the English language - “I AM”.
The words “I AM” are so powerful because whatever you say after them will determine not only how you feel and relate to yourself but also how the rest of the world relates and treats you.
Here are just a few affirmations from the book.
“I AM 100% my authentic self and I AM happy just the way I AM”
“I AM lovely and loveable and I deserve to love and be loved”
“I AM responsible for my happiness and only my happiness and it is ok to put myself first and make ME happy”
“I AM strong and confident in who I am which is why I relinquish the pain of my past and clear a path for a bright and happy future”.
“I am financially, spiritually and emotional wealthy in every area of my life”
To find out more about the book or to purchase it click here –
There are several ways to use affirmations.
Say them out loud or in your head. You may have a lot of negative chatter going on in your mind and affirmations are a fantastic way to stop and replace that. You can use affirmations for specific situations or use more generic ones that will help to boost your overall confidence.
Repeat them over and over in your head for a couple of minutes at a time whenever you hear yourself thinking something negative. When you do this you will feel your mood shift and you will instantly feel better about yourself.
Write them down. If you haven’t started a journal yet then I strongly suggest that you do because writing and rewriting affirmations is a great way to supercharge their potency. By writing them down you are more focused and that will engage your memory to greater benefit. Writing also takes more time and it utilises your senses in a different way to only saying them aloud.
I recommend writing one affirmation per page and just keep writing it over and over until your page is full. It won't take quite as long as you think, but it will really help your unconscious to process and store the positive thoughts. It also shows your dedication to building your confidence. Once you have completed a whole page you have something physical to look at and refer back to. You will also get a sense of achievement and that in itself will boost your confidence and self-esteem.
(Sounds like a win win to me)
Listen to affirmations. Listening to affirmation or even recording yourself saying them is a wonderful way to absorb the information because it can be used in a similar fashion to meditation. When you meditate your mind is less consumed by the clutter and noise of everyday life and it is more receptive to whatever you are focusing on or listening to. You can then listen to them at any time and play them in the background when you go to sleep or in the car or even when you are on the treadmill at the gym. Either way listening to affirmations is such a versatile format that there is no reason not to do it.
Here are a few Affirmations help to help kick start Build Your Confidence.
I am Strong and Confident and I am Unstoppable.
I am Strong and Confident & I feel comfortable in all social situations.
I have the confidence to set and achieve my goals.
Every day I grow in confidence and self-belief.
I am Strong and Confident and I am in control of my life.
Expect the best.
Positive people expect positive outcomes. They have an underlying faith and belief that things will go well. The Law of Attraction states that “What you send out is what you get back” If you walk into a job interview with the belief that there are ten other people better qualified than you and they will never hire you it’s no surprise that you won't get the job. Even if you were ideal for the position, if your demeanour and attitude are negative then you will project that negativity which will put people off and they will give the job to someone else.
Now the person they give the job to may not necessarily be the most qualified for the role or have the most experience but if they walk in with a friendly positive “I CAN” attitude then they are stacking the odds in their favour. After all you can teach someone how to do a job but it’s much harder to address a negative attitude.
Let’s switch your negative language.
Here are 3 examples of how you can replace negative language for positive confidence building language. Then I have another exercise for you to complete.
Negative thought – “I will never get that job I know I’m not good enough it”
Positive version – “I can do it because I am capable and ready to learn”
Negative thought – “He/she will never like me because ____” (whatever reasons you may use)
Positive version – “He/she has every reason to like me because I a nice person with many likeable qualities”
Negative thought – “I really need to lose weight but I know I won't be able to stay on this diet”
Positive – I know I can do this because I will take it day at a time and I am prepared to do my best.
So you see there is always a way to flip things around and create a positive alternative.
Now in your journal (wink wink) I want you to write a list of your negative self-speak. List all of the negative things you tell yourself, all the excuses you use and things you say to put yourself down.
Now on a new page write down each one but underneath I want you to create a positive counterpart. Once you have done this you can start to use this positive version whenever you find yourself reverting back to old ways. Old habits may die hard but if you put in enough effort to change they will die and you can shed the old negative you and emerge more confident and ready to take on the world on your terms.
If you are one of those people who are forever dragging up the past then it’s time toSTOP.
You can’t change the past you can only learn from it, but you can’t learn from it if you haven’t drawn a line in the sand and moved on.
For example. Most of us have been through at least one bad relationship right? I know it can be very easy to think that the next relationship or your next partner will mirror the old one or hurt you in the same way. You start to judge and blame your new partner for things that haven’t even happened yet but because your ex did whatever it was, and you assume the new person will repeat those behaviours.
What can end up happening is you push your new partner to act out and do the very thing you are trying to prevent. So if you are scared that they will leave you keep trying to get them to prove that they won't leave will only make them want to run for the hills. Remember, you have the power to create your reality. So instead of thinking about the past accept your partner for who they are and find the positives in that relationship. It will make your life and theirs much happier.
Don’t listen to other people.
This is an important point because it can be very easy to be swayed or convinced by other people especially the ones with nothing but negative things to say because they will pray on your doubts and insecurities and before you know it the thing you love or want to do suddenly lose its sparkle and shine.
Quite often the people who tell you things can’t or won't work only do so because they are not able to do them and they don’t want to see you succeed because it highlights the deficiency in them.
When people are negative to you it’s never about you. Let me say that again: It’s never about you. It is always a reflection of them and their insecurities. Have you heard the saying “Misery loves company” well that’s what negative people want, company. But stand strong and know what you want and follow your heart and your beliefs and do what feels right for you.
If there is no path to follow then create your own and let someone else follow in your footsteps. Make sure that you are the driving force in your life and be a trail blazer. You don’t have to be second best to anyone.
Surround yourself with positive people.
Being around other positive people is the easiest way to stay positive. Even when you are having a hard time or are finding something difficult positive people will be there to pick you up and help you find a solution. They won't want to wallow in your sorrows and complain about how the world is such a bad place. Instead they will be there to help you bounce back and see what you can improve or do differently in the future.
Being around positive people is not only inspiring but it’s also contagious. It makes you want to be positive. It you feel like you can do anything and with that type of attitude you are better equipped to take on the world and win on your terms.
So with all of that said how do you fancy one more quick exercise? Excellent I thought you were eager and ready. (don’t forget you can always come back to any of the exercises and do them at a later time)
Complete the following Affirmations.
I feel confident when_________
My best qualities are_________
My goal for today is__________ (you can also make it your goal for the week, month or even the year)
I am confident and I__________
I am successful when I believe in myself and__________
When you think positively you are able to deal with whatever curve balls life throws your way and you will be able to enjoy the challenges of everyday life and will naturally look for ways to do better, to be better. Positive thinking is a choice and you have the power of choice so although you may not be able to control every aspect of your life you can control how you think about it and that gives you an awful lot of power. It puts you in charge of your life. You cannot be a victim when you are in charge of your life and I know you don’t want to be a victim.
So here are a few points to recap.
Positive thinking will change your life if you allow it to
You are what you focus on so make sure you focus on the positive.
Your thoughts DO create your reality and you are in charge of your thoughts so you are in charge of your life.
Recognise your negative language because then you will be able to change it.
When you criticise or put yourself down you give permission to other people to treat you badly.
Replace negative language with Positive Affirmations.
Expect the best and you have a better chance of getting better outcomes.
You can switch your negative language for positive affirming language that will build your confidence.
Forget the past because it is too late to change it, but you are in control of the here and now.
Don’t listen to negative people as they will only drag you down.
Surround yourself with positive people as they will naturally lift you up and generate positivity in you.
So go forth and be your best Positively Confident self and know that nothing or nobody can bring you down. You are in charge of your life and you can start to take control of it today by taking charge of how you think.
Much love as Always Tony T.
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