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In many Native American cultures, a feather is a symbol of honor, strength, and spirituality. It represents connection to the sky, the Air element, and spirituality itself. The eagle feather in particular, is believed to carry powerful medicine, and is one of the highest honors when gifted within indigenous communities. The eagle is considered one of the most resilient and fearless birds, so to receive or find an eagle feather is an auspicious sign of bravery and wisdom within its recipient.
White – White feathers are associated with spirituality, high vibrations, protection from the Universe, serenity, angels and spirit guides, and wisdom and gifts from the moon. (The moon itself appears to be white and its power can be used to cleanse and recharge crystals by bathing them in its light, especially during Full Moons). Finding a white feather is a happy occasion.
Blue – Blue feathers are associated with the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra (known as Vishudda according to Hindu Tantrism) is the energy center in the body found at the center of the throat where the voice box is. This chakra is connected to one’s ability to express oneself clearly and honestly. Finding a blue feather could be a sign from the Universe that you have been speaking your truth and it has been for the highest good not only for yourself, but for those around you. If you are speaking your truth, you are likely connected to your spirit guides and angels, have become more accepting of yourself, and are tuned into your psychic abilities.
Yellow – Yellow feathers are associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra (known as Manipura according to Hindu Tantrism) is the energy center in the body found at the top of the belly where the diaphragm is. This chakra is connected to one’s feelings of self-control, personal power, freedom, choice, and identity. Finding a yellow feather could mean that you have been following your intuition and have been setting clear boundaries resulting in your feelings of personal power and freedom. This feather color is also associated with the happiness, joy, high energy, and wisdom that comes from being true to yourself.
Green – Green feathers are associated with the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra (known as Anahata according to Hindu Tantrism) is the energy center in the body found at the center of the chest where the heart is. This chakra is connected to love, relationships, emotions, the ability to forgive, healing, and your connection to other beings. Finding a green feather may be a sign that you are surrounded by loving energy or that you are exuding love, healing, and forgiveness towards those around you. If you are not in a romantic relationship you may be about to meet someone special, or you may be coming into a more loving relationship with yourself.
Orange – Orange feathers are associated with the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra (known as Svadhishthana according to Hindu Tantrism) is the energy center in the body found in the lower abdomen below the navel. This chakra is connected to one’s creativity, sensuality, and confidence. Finding an orange feather may symbolize a new creative venture, a recent boost in self-esteem, and becoming sexier and more magnetic. You are attracting others, perhaps without knowing it!
Pink – Pink feathers represent unconditional love, compassion, service to others, empathy, kindness, and inspiration. Finding a pink feather could mean that you are practicing unselfish generosity and virtue and are finding yourself highly favored by the Universe due to your high vibrations. You are in a time of good fortune.
Grey –Grey feathers represent peace and neutrality (as it is in the middle of black and white), authenticity, flexibility.
Purple – Purple feathers are associated with the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra (known as Sahasrara according to Hindu Tantrism) is the energy center in the body found at the top of the head (you can imagine it as a halo or crown of light). The Crown Chakra connects us to the Universe and every living being that was, is, and will be. It is the chakra that, when connected with, reminds us that we are all connected, and we are loved deeply. Finding a purple feather could signal to its finder that you are practicing universal consciousness and have been experiencing spiritual growth, or awakening. If the process has been frightening or painful at times, this is a sign to keep going, and know that you are protected.
Brown – Brown feathers are associated with connection to the earth, security, stability, slowness, grounding, and perseverance. Finding a brown feather may indicate that you have been mindful of your words and actions, have been carefully building a solid foundation, and/or have been taking your time with a person, a project, or a situation. This is a good sign that you are on the right track, and the Universe supports your thoughtful consideration before taking action.
Black – Black feathers are associated with transformation, regeneration, shadow work, protection from the Universe, endings, and spiritual growth. Finding a black feather may be a sign that you have been doing the difficult work of taking personal inventory and improving yourself by being accountable to others. Perhaps you are recognizing patterns that were harmful to yourself or others and are facing the fear that comes up from difficult shadow work. Regardless of the difficulty, this is an important time, and the Universe wants to encourage you to continue the journey, as difficult as it may be. By transforming yourself and sitting with the discomfort, you are elevating not only your vibration, but the vibration of all of us who are connected in the Universe.
Just as dreaming about an individual bird means something different, dreams about different feathers have as many different meanings as there are feathers to choose from. For instance, seeing a crow feather in a dream can mean that change is coming, while an owl feather can mean that you have knowledge that can benefit others, and should pass it onto them as soon as possible. A peacock feather in a dream means you may soon become aware of new and positive ideas about yourself and the direction of your life, but random, unidentifiable bird feathers usually mean that you’re currently frustrated with something.
I hope you enjoyed learning about the different meanings of feather sightings and continue to do what is best for your highest good. If you have recently found a feather, congratulations! It is one of many signs the Universe can provide if only you will pay attention. Stay well and take care!
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