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The St. Jude Prayer is a very special prayer indeed. St. Jude was one of the Twelve Apostles, and in the Catholic Church, he is the patron Saint of lost causes. The Epistle of Jude in the Bible is filled with encouragement to keep the faith and remain hopeful!
O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus,
the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, and of things almost despaired of.
Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost despaired of.
Come to mine assistance in this great need, that I may receive
the consolation and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations,
and sufferings, particularly (PRAYING FOR THE UKRAINE) and that I may praise
God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity.
I promise thee, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor,
to always honor thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to thee.
Praying to St. Jude is easy to do. Simply repeat the prayer written above making sure to include your specific intention where it says “(make your request)“.
After you have finished the prayer, if you’d like, you can make the Sign of the Cross. Some people also choose to buy a St. Jude candle to light while saying their prayer. While this can be a great way to focus your attention in prayer, it is by no means necessary, and it is a relatively new tradition in the Catholic faith.
There are many reasons to say use this St. Jude prayer, but most pray to St Jude in order to receive some sort of miracle or blessing. You should personalize your prayer to ask for what you need.
Many Catholics choose to pray to St Jude in the form of a Novena. A novena is a prayer that is said on nine consecutive days. When Jesus ascended into heaven, he asked his disciples to devote themselves to constant prayer. It is said that they prayed together for 9 days.
Here is one variation of the St Jude Prayer that can be said as a novena:
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved now and forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us, Saint Jude worker of Miracles, pray for us, Saint Jude helper and keeper of the hopeless, pray for us.
Ronald Reagan’s lost private letter, written while President to his dying atheist father-in-law, was found and published in the Washington Post. There could be no better words penned to a dying doctor about discovering hope and salvation. A great inspiring read if you have 4 minutes.
Aug. 7, 1982
Dear Loyal,
I hope you’ll forgive me for this, but I’ve been wanting to write you ever since we talked on the phone. I am aware of the strain you are under and believe with all my heart there is help for that.
First I want to tell you of a personal experience I’ve kept to myself for a long time. During my first year as Governor you’ll recall the situation I found in Calif. was almost as bad as the one in Washington today. It seemed as if the problems were endless and insolvable.
Then I found myself with an ulcer. In all those years at Warner Bros., no one had been able to give me an ulcer and I felt ashamed as if it were a sign of weakness on my part. John Sharpe had me on Maalox and I lived with a constant pain that ranged from discomfort to extremely sharp attacks.
This went on for months. I had a bottle of Maalox in my desk, my briefcase and of course at home. Then one morning I got up, went into the bathroom, reached for the bottle as always and some thing happened. I knew I didn’t need it. I had gone to bed with the usual pain the night before but I knew that morning I was healed. The Maalox went back on the shelf.
That morning when I arrived at the office Helene brought me my mail. The first letter I opened was from a lady — a stranger — in the Southern part of the state. She had written to tell me she was one of a group who met every day to pray for me. Believe it or not, the second letter was from a man, again a stranger, in the other end of the state telling me he was part of a group that met weekly to pray for me.
Within the hour a young fellow from the legal staff came into my office on some routine matter. On the way out he paused in the door and said: “Gov. I think maybe you’d like to know — some of us on the staff come in early every morning and get together to pray for you.”
Coincidence? I don’t think so. A couple of weeks later Nancy and I went down to L.A. and had our annual checkup. John Sharpe, a little puzzled, told me I no longer had an ulcer but added there was no indication I’d ever had one. Word of honor — I never told him about that particular day in Sacramento.
Bible signed by President Ronald Reagan
There is a line in the bible — “Where ever two or more are gathered in my name there will I be also.”
Loyal, I know of your feeling — your doubt but could I just impose on you a little longer? Some seven hundred years before the birth of Christ the ancient Jewish prophets predicted the coming of a Messiah. They said he would be born in a lowly place, would proclaim himself the Son of God and would be put to death for saying that.
All in all there were a total of one hundred and twenty three specific prophecies about his life all of which came true. Crucifixion was unknown in those times, yet it was foretold that he would be nailed to a cross of wood. And one of the predictions was that he would be born of a Virgin.
Now I know that is probably the hardest for you as a Dr. to accept. The only answer that can be given is — a miracle. But Loyal, I don’t find that as great a miracle as the actual history of his life. Either he was who he said he was or he was the greatest faker & charlatan who ever lived. But would a liar & faker suffer the death he did when all he had to do to save himself was admit he’d been lying?
The miracle is that a young man of 30 yrs. without credentials as a scholar or priest began preaching on street corners. He owned nothing but the clothes on his back & he didn’t travel beyond a circle less than one hundred miles across. He
But for two thousand years he has … had more impact on the world than all the teachers, scientists, emperors, generals and admirals who ever lived, all put together.
The apostle John said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
We have been promised that all we have to do is ask God in Jesus name to help when we have done all we can — when we’ve come to the end of our strength and abilities and we’ll have that help. We only have to trust and have faith in his infinite goodness and mercy.
Loyal, you and Edith have known a great love — more than many have been permitted to know. That love will not end with the end of this life. We’ve been promised this is only a part of life and that a greater life, a greater glory awaits us. It awaits you together one day and all that is required is that you believe and tell God you put yourself in his hands.
'Yes he really does have the whole world in his hands"
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