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Hello I hope The Following My Be Of Help To You And Any One Ells.
Astral projection
Hope this helps.....
Naturally, no one can give you definitive answers on the nature of metaphysical reality, so what I offer you here is based on what I've learned from others and experienced from projecting myself.
First, when we talk about other dimensions like the astral plane, using the term where is rather confusing. Instead of picturing these dimensions in some other place, we might imagine them as a different form of the space we are already familiar with.
Let's say that the physical world is like ice, and when we raise the vibration/temperature of that ice, it melts and becomes water. It's now fluid and we can see through it, though from the right angle, we can perceive its presence. This water is a bit like the etheric plane, which is one vibrational step above the physical.
When we heat the water further, it becomes a cloud of steam. It's still there, but is now invisible to us. Where the water just pooled on the floor and the ice was stuck in one spot, the steam can travel to the ceiling and the highest, farthest corners of the room.
This is one way to conceptualize the etheric and astral planes, which are dimensions higher in vibration than the physical. They exist right here, only at a higher vibration. (There are higher planes than the etheric and astral, but for now, let's stick with these three.)
Just as we have a physical body in the physical plane, we subtle bodies that exist in other planes. One step higher than the physical is our etheric body, and one step higher than that is our astral body. (These subtle bodies can be seen in our auras.)
Ok I wanted to touch base on this point, for what I understand, to see if you think this also. We are dealing with many planes. So far I have found out about. The Fallen Angel plane which is right above Hell plane, Than Earth, than astral plane, than Heaven...
So It seems I am missing some planes in there... It os no wonder I am still learning. I have only been to two I know of...
I see auras if someone is standing against a white wall or something of the sort, kind of out of practice, been pushing all this away... So Really the different color's stand for different planes? I always thought it had to do with there feelings for some reason? I know one time my sister was really mad when I was a little girl, she is ten years older and I just remember seeing fire red coming off her...lol And there have been other things. I have so much to learn... But sounds like I am on the cutting edge of something...
The etheric plane is so close to the physical that those of us who generally have a high vibration are often aware of it. For example, whenever we catch a glimpse of a spirit in our peripheral vision or see an aura, we are perceiving things with our etheric eyes. This is why to see auras, we can't be focused on both the person and their aura. When one is in focus, the other is out of focus because we are shifting our consciousness between our physical body and our etheric body.
So like our third eye, we see these things, I think I always put it... Once it opens you know it...
It's funny we are talking about the same thing but in different terms. Someone once said to me "we are looking through a different pair of glasses, but seeing the same thing" I think you may put things in away that is more understandable to others. Thank you...
I have spoken of the fact sense I was a smell child, that I knew that there where different planes of excistance, but no one seemed to understand... So you just let it go. It's nice to finally meet someone that seems to understand what I am trying to say...
Most of the time, what we call astral projection is actually etheric projection. When we project etherically, we become like the water mentioned above: we remain in the physical plane but step outside ourselves. Like water melting off of ice, we can look back at our bodies from a new perspective.
During etheric projection we seem to be in the physical reality we're familiar with. For example, if we project while in our bedroom, we may separate from our body to find ourselves hovering above our body on the bed. We tend to feel very restricted during etheric projection, like we have to remain very close to our bodies. If we do travel, we won't go far. We may feel lighter than we do physically, but still not be able to fly around like we're weightless. This is sort of like being in a state between water and steam - if we try to go too far, we condense on surfaces and become water again.
Astral projection involves the transfer of our consciousness beyond the etheric to our astral body. This is much more difficult because it requires us to raise our consciousness to a higher vibration. (The higher the metaphysical dimension, the higher we must raise our consciousness to explore it.)
Yes I know of this vibrational state this seems to be key to travel, It seems they are on a different vibration than us, yes?
I know some people are very afraid to leave there body, Maybe they can't get back in they think. I don't seem to have this fear... I'm ready to go flying... It was funny mu whole life I have been having flying dreams no more. I guess I started going on my own...lol
The astral may have many similarities to physical reality, but it can also seem wild and different. We are actually in the astral plane when we dream every night, so we are all quite familiar with the amazing and unusual things that can happen in this realm.
Yes, this does mean that we all project into the astral every night. In fact, while we're sleeping, our consciousness shifts into our etheric bodies so we can recharge our life force energy. We're sort of like ipods that can only run for so long before they need to be recharged; after we've played for hours, we have to plug back into Source.
After we've soaked up a good amount of energy via sleep, we can rise a bit higher in vibration and wander off in our astral bodies to have adventures. This is why REM activity picks up so much in the early morning hours: we're charged up from all that deep sleep and ready for action.
The difference between a regular dream and astral projection is how conscious we are during the experience. If we purposefully leave our bodies to travel in the astral, we call it astral projection. If we remain conscious that we are out of our bodies and thus maintain some control over the experience, that's a regular dream.
The astral is indeed where many spirits reside, at least for a while. It may even be that spirits who have moved beyond the astral can visit with us there. Many people encounter loved ones in Spirit in their dreams, and some very experienced astral projectors purposefully leave their bodies to visit with the spirits of friends and family on a regular basis.
As for meeting up with friends who are also projecting, controlling where you go while out of the body can be both very tricky and very easy depending on various factors.
Making this happen via will power takes tremendous skill. For example, back when I practiced astral projection a lot, I would always set an intention to go visit someone I knew so I could later check to see if what I saw them doing was valid. Every time I got out of my body, however, I totally forgot about my plans because I was so caught up in the experience. Much to my later frustration, I spent a number of sessions endlessly springing up to touch the ceiling because I was totally fascinated with the feeling of being in my etheric body.
The easiest way to connect with a friend or spirit in the astral is to simply to set that intention and ask Spirit or your higher self to fulfill it. If you don't achieve your goal while consciously projecting, odds are good you will at least have some amazing dreams that involve the person you want to visit.
Ok... I have set a time and place to met someone astrally and they have come. And some are so good they can come and be there at any time. This is amazing to me. I myself can't do this yet. I have yet to travel and see the beautiful city...
But I know you can send say a pic in all four directions of a room and a person can study these and project there selfs there... If the other person could get out of body this could become interesting... One of my many goals with this... I think timing is a big point on this one, not to mention skill... My take me some time to get there, but I think it is worth the work...
The astral is like a newly discovered continent: we don't have great maps yet, so we have to be willing to experiment to discover its nature and establish routes and meeting places. I believe that thanks to the trailblazers in the future we'll have many more answers about the nature of other planes of existence, as well as reliable, effective ways to get out of our bodies and explore other worlds.
Personally, I do not advise projectors call out to 'unknown' spirits or 'unknown' guides to help them project, unless they know 'exactly' who or what they are calling, and can verify their credentials as to exactly who and what they are. Calling blindly for any help from anywhere carries a high risk of attracting the unwanted attention of undesirable astral wildlife and mischievous spirit entities. Most types of intelligent astral wildlife and spirit entities appear to require some kind of 'permission' before they can interfere with a living person's life. Calling blindly for help can provide an entity with all the 'permission' it needs, albeit obtusely. And, once permission is given in cases like this, it cannot so simply or easily be revoked. It is, I believe, a very unsafe practice indeed, to deliberately solicit the help of unknown spirit entities, as any type of open invite or request for help may invite a negative entity to trouble you instead. Calling upon Angels, however, does not carry the same cautions as does blindly calling upon unknown spirits.
Prayers to God (in whatever form or name you believe in) asking for His protection and help, however, are 'highly' recommended and do not carry this same risk. I thoroughly recommend a prayer for protection be 'sincerely' said before any projection, even just a few words, regardless of belief or religion - or even the lack of it. Prayers are most effective when said from a deeply relaxed 'quiet' mental state; ie, from in the trance state.
If a spirit of some kind does manifest during an OBE, and the projector is not sure if they are genuine or not, a simple test is to ask it to go away and leave you alone, and to return at another time, when called upon. Any good spirit will obey this request, and will return another time when called upon. If a spirit does not leave, or argues against this request, saying it knows better than you what's good for you, etc, then its a pretty safe bet this spirit is not who they say they are.
There are certain skills necessary to be learned by any projector wishing to OOBE at will. There are 'no' safe shortcuts to projection. The difficulties associated with conscious exit OOBE are best thought of as natural barriers, barriers which are there for a 'reason' and which are therefore unwise to avoid. If there is a friendly spirit or guide associated or interested in the progress of a projector, and they are interested in helping, they will know 'exactly' what the projector is doing and 'when' they are doing it. If they are willing and able to help with them learning projection, they will do so, without any request from the projector.
The difficulties of conscious exit OOBE are 'natural' barriers and it is unwise to avoid the lessons these hold and the skills that can be gained in overcoming them. These skills: deep physical relaxation, clearing the mind, concentration, trance, bodily awareness actions, energy raising and the ability to overcome fear, are necessary requirements for successful and safe out of body operations. In a nutshell, if you cannot make it out of your body under your own steam, you should not be projecting at that time. This does not, however, mean you should not keep trying, as once the necessary skills are learned, and you have fulfilled the requirements for OBE operations, you will have passed the first natural barrier and will be ready to take your first steps out of your body.
While this may appear obvious to many people, I have had a lot of queries over this matter. The physical body's eyes must remain closed at all times during a projection attempt. (you wouldn't believe how many times I've been asked about this:) Real Time and/or Astral sight will enable by itself during or just prior to a conscious projection exit. If a projection is too dark or the projector feels they are blind, I suggest they use the out of body energy raising techniques, as given earlier. It is also possible to create light by visualisation, by visualising a torch or lamp, etc. Many people find they simply have to ask for their sight when out of body and they get it straight away. Another way to overcome darkness is to visualise a well lit destination and use the instant travel method to project there.
REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
Rapid Eye Movement, commonly called the 'REM' state, often happens during an oobe attempt - often, but not always. This is a natural event triggered by the trance state when the physical body is very tired - when the physical body falls into a deeper sleep than is actually required, but with the mind still being held awake. The REM condition signposts the ideal time to have a lucid dream, as this indicates the dream mind is becoming active. If fear or other difficulties make OOBE difficult I suggest the projector focus on having a lucid dream at this time, as this will give some type of related out of body experience which will help prepare them for a full blown conscious exit OOBE later on. At this time a 'conscious' lucid dream becomes a viable alternative to a conscious OOBE, especially if REM activity is disturbing and breaking the concentration of the projector. Keep in mind here that a lucid dream can be converted into a Real Time or astral projection if the projector focuses on and 'feels' for their body. They will then either project back to their body, or near to it, and a full OOBE can continue, or is then much easier to attain.
LD Note: A good way to attain a lucid dream, if lying down when the REM state hits, is for the projector to stop the OOBE attempt, staying relaxed and turning on their side (not their back) and to imagine a department store setting while allowing themselves to sink gently into sleep. If all goes well, they'll slip directly into a lucid dream with no apparent break in consciousness.
Reverse the energy raising action in the legs and arms alone - pushing energy back down and out of the body.
Stop focusing awareness on any primary energy centres.
Break mental relaxation and trance and restore normal physical and mental activity. Move, stand, talk, stretch and restore full circulation and
Curl up and go to sleep - if this is appropriate.
Have a substantial snack or meal.
Press and hug a pillow into an uncomfortably overactive centre, then go to sleep or take a nap.
Vigorously rub, massage or slap the sites of overactive energy centres.
Physical exercise, like walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, etc.
Take a shower - cold if necessary.
* Combinations of the above actions will slow or stop energy centre activity.
The whole point of any OOBE technique is to exteriorize bodily awareness outside of the physical body to trigger the projection reflex quickly, whilst the projector remains mentally awake. This, apparently simple, awareness action can, however, be extremely difficult for most people to maintain for more than a couple of seconds. If this is done only briefly, however, over and over and rhythmically, for long enough, it will also have the effect of triggering the projection reflex.
Following is the outline of a technique they call The YOYO. I have used this myself and it seems to have almost as many good points as the Rope technique, but most people find YOYO much easier. This method is a good alternative if you are having trouble with ROPE. This can also be used as a good preparatory exercise for an OOBE attempt. It helps 'loosen up' the projectable double, even if another technique is to be used for the actual exit.
Get yourself into a deeply relaxed state, or into the trance state if possible, as you normally would prepare for using an OOBE technique.
Pick a target on the ceiling above your bed, or on the wall if using a chair. This can be a light fitting or picture (anything) or you can tape a small paper target up above you.
Stand on a chair (careful not to fall) and get the feel of what it is like to have your face up close to the target. Feel the changed spatial coordinates. Feel what this new position (up next to the target) feels like from there. Feel where the floor and bed and furniture and windows and doors are now. Memorise what it 'feels' like to be in this position, up close to your target.
Instead of using a ROPE, shift your awareness out of your body and push it right up next to the target, as if the target were right next to your face. Imagine and 'feel' yourself being at the target, right up close to it. Hold your awareness there for one second only and then pull your point of awareness back to your body. Feel yourself move right up to the target and, briefly, feel your spatial coordinates in the room change as your bodily awareness changes location. Feel the room move around you, briefly, as you fly up to the target and back to your body. Feel the room change back to normal when you pull your centre of awareness back to your body.
Bounce your awareness back and forth between the target and your body at roughly one second intervals (whatever feels most natural). Try and develop a natural rhythm, in and out, in and out, over and over.
When you get used to using this technique, extend your time at the target slightly, just a little bit longer. Always keep this time short enough to be comfortable and achievable so you can do it repeatedly, over and over, with ease. This takes concentration but is quite easy when you get the hang of it.
Keep this up and it will trigger the projection reflex just like the ROPE technique
Vary this technique as you see fit, with other OOBE techniques like ROPE, or rolling out of your body, or feeling yourself floating out of body, point shift, etc. You may, for example, trigger the projectable state, feeling vibrations, etc, using YOYO and find it easier to finish off the exit using ROPE, or by rolling out of your body, or with another favourite method.
It is thought that disorientation and head pressure, during or after an OBE or OBE attempt, stem from forced bio-energetic development, caused by an OBE attempt. Any problems resulting from this will settle down over a couple of days. I do not advise further attempts until you feel completely normal again - as things must have time to adjust and develop in response to what has happened - as a muscle must be given time to heal and develop after being overworked and strained.
While a logical observation, and partly true, the assumption that the heart chakra is not getting enough energy, and that this is causing it to race during an OBE attempt, is not entirely correct. This matter is far more complex than it appears.
When you cease a projection causing bodily awareness action, ie, Rope, and observe the throbbing in your heart chakra slowing, you have actually eased the pressure that was forcing your energy body to generate your projectable double. This eases the load on the heart chakra, thus slowing its activity.
The heart chakra is forced to provide a lot of energy, to generate the projectable double, during an awake induced OBE attempt. Excessive heart centre activity, and all other heavy exit sensations, are 'caused' by the presence of 'awake' consciousness, which cause a plethora of bio-energetic conflicts to arise. To support this: think how easily you project out of body when your mind is asleep, and out of the bio-energetic equation? When asleep, you'll find you slip out with hardly a murmur from your hear chakra, feeling only a mild, brief falling sensation. At the very worse this level of exit sensations will make you catch the sides of your bed, especially at times when you are drifting in and out of sleep, before actually falling asleep.
When awake consciousness is present during an OBE attempt, a true 'complication of bio-incarnated consciousness' arises. Your awake mind changes the whole equation, and the usual bio-energetic projection mechanism comes under a lot of unusual pressure. It finds it must work overtime to provide the energies needed to generate the projected double while awake consciousness is present. When awake consciousness is present during projection, the bio-energetic projection mechanism has to overcome the awake mind's conscious control over its physical body, and the 'tension' this automatically generates.
By partly true, I mean that the heart chakra does speed up when increased energy demands are placed upon it. This can occur during an OBE, when the projected double deliberately draws more energy from its physical/etheric counterpart, which is energetically maintaining its projected double via the Silver Cord. A noticeable heavier thrumming will also be felt from within the perceived chest area of the projected double when this happens, even though it does not have a chest, per se. This is especially noticeable at close range, within 20 feet (6 metres) or so, during a Real Time OBE, and eases with greater distance.
But, when heart centre throbbing speeds up during a conscious exit OBE attempt (which is especially noticeable during early OBE's and OBE attempts), this is a sign that awake consciousness is throwing a spanner into the works, so to speak.
Apart from the 'unavoidable' presence of awake consciousness - which must be overcome through repeated OBE attempt experience (which develops the projection mechanism to the point where it can compensate), plus simple bio-energetic development - most of the problems this causes stem from a lack of deep physical relaxation. This is the most 'widespread' problem and general cause of this. The vast majority of would-be projectors do not attain a sufficient state of deep physical relaxation prior to OBE attempts, and then experience heavy exit sensations and problems as a result.
No way! you might say, "I'm in full trance and so 'must' be deeply physically relaxed enough for projection to occur. Well, while an understandable assumption, think on this: it is quite possible to attain a fairly deep level of trance (usually too deep for easy OBE) while the physical body still retains sufficient physical tension to interfere with the projection mechanism. In a similar way, it is also possible to fall asleep while still full of stress and tension. For example, I can attain a full trance state while standing and even walking - which obviously entails physical tension, which obviously would interfere with an OBE attempt, if I attempted one at this time.
My suggestion is to read The Treatise on OBE, Version 2.00, parts 1 - 8, and then to spend at least a few weeks practicing deep physical relaxation, and trance work only. Do this 'separately' from OBE attempts, preferably at times when you are wide awake, like in the morning. This makes relaxation and trance work much harder, but has far more development benefits because of this.
If after following the above advice, you still have problems, I'd consider the Mind-Split as being the culprit stopping you from 'remembering' your OBE's. If you experience vibrations or other exit sensations prior to the racing heart centre sensation, it possible that you had already succeeded at projecting, but had missed the exit: meaning that after your projected double had departed, your physical/etheric aspect was continuing to attempt projection. Under this circumstance, projection is impossible, re the etheric body cannot leave its physical counterpart while a OBE is 'already' in progress.
The emotional content of the reentry phase is 'extremely' important as it strengthens OBE memories. If the mind split is responsible, and it probably is, for failed OBE attempts, this means your memories of existing in your physical/etheric body are not allowing your OBE memories to 'overwrite' them after reentry. The nature of the physical brain is to record only a single memory for any single time period. During an OBE, two completely separate sets of memory are present - those of the physical/etheric body and those of its projected double. The 'strongest' memory set will be the set retained, as a recallable memory, after an OBE. The memories of the physical/etheric body have more of an immediate impact on the physical brain, as these memories are automatically recorded, as per normal physical memory recording.
In order for an OBE memory download to take place, and overwrite these memories, they have to be stronger and have more 'impact' than the resident memories. Emotion can thus be used to empower OBE memories, to give them more impact on the physical brain. It is for the above reasons that fearful or exciting, more dramatic, OBE's are more easily remembered than are the more mundane type.
I remember during my early days of OBE (when I started doing it deliberately) floating near my physical body trying to work out why I seemed to be failing and losing the OBE memory most of the time. I was trying to OBE just about every night, but had only succeeded a few times that year. At these times, my projected double had no problem exiting my physical body. I wondered, as it was so easy, why I was not remembering more of my OBE's. Then I remembered how excited I was during and after these OBE's, and started to wonder....'hmmm, maybe emotion itself had something to do with carrying the OBE memories back into my physical body with me?'
I made a successful 'emotional' reentry that night, and remembered my OBE reasoning. I have applied this reasoning ever since then, and have thus had countless successful OBE's. Now, I always 'shout' my success 'savagely' in some way as I make the reentry. I hold the OBE memory very strongly in mind and use a trigger phrase to enforce an effective memory download, ie, "I did it!" or "My hands melted!" or etc. This works! I always come to (wake up) with my trigger phrase on my lips, and with full memory of my OBE. This really does make a world of difference.
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