Luiz Lopes

Maringá - Pr


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Why are you here?
To Use Free Themes
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Comment Wall:

  • Star-Dust

  • Hippy


    Welcome to Hippys Themes,

    I hope you will find some thing you like here .
    Please make your self at Home
    Stroll through our

    groups (Members Creators Themes)

    see if there is some thing you might like or just look for look


    If you have any Themes You would like to share as a

    Creator here,

    Please let me Hippyknow

    and I will set up a group just for your themes in our members Themes


    Please Enjoy and Have Respectfor each other,
    and fallow the simple rouls of this


    Enjoy your Visit
    If you Have a Pic you would Like A Theme made with
    2Fgroup%2Fpicsforfuturethemes"">click here
    Please Rember the Makers can only do this

    when TIME Permits...

    Thank You...
    Site Rouls clickhere
  • Star-Dust

  • alpana

    Hi Luiz,
    Thank you for your kind add, your page theme is lovely.

  • Keltic Fae